Monday 25 July 2016

6 months yesterday

HALF WAY!!! how cool is that!! 6 months on the 24th it was. and what a day spent I went to como on the 23rd to spend it with tom and his parents because they came from Australia to see him and so I went there but ended up staying the night with them and it really was worth it we took a boat out on the lake and went to Bellagio which is a small town in the crest of the lake but we spent the day there and relaxed I whooped toms ass in some Italian card games although he will tell you otherwise. but this weeks have been interesting I been spending a lot of time with tom and his family as his sister was here the week before and so I went to milano and como to spend the days with them which was extremely cool and fun I guess I just trying to keep busy on school holidays but it was good because all my siblings were on camps so I was home alone with my parents who weren't actually there because they were working but it was still relaxing and well worth it. but I go tot he mountains with my host family on Wednesday for the whole of Agosto so there will be plenty to do and a lot to see and another experience that I cant wait to try. otherthen that not a lot has been happening beside I started reading again!! like who am I? but I guess  Ive just had time to do it so I did, I made an icecream slice with my host sister today and she absolutely loved it because the 26th is my host dads birthday so I am cooking an all Australian meal but I am not allowed to use the oven  because makes the house too hot in summer so that narrowed down my choices of what to make ( hence the icecream slice instead of the cake). then I have to se what I can buy here in Italy because a lot of the ingredience you cant get here. so I decided on BBQ prawn skewers, with Mango salad and coleslaw as well as sausages in onion gravy. it is going to be a good meal I think well I hope :) my host dad loves Australia so I also gathered some Australian souvenirs to give to him. I hope he likes it.

I notice a lot more things now because I understand a lot of Italian but the people carry around Chihuahuas like they are all legally fucking blonde.. its so pathetic the little things are all running around r=dressed up in their costumes like a little toy dog. god its so annoying like what are you doing hunny its a dog and I hope it shits in that pathetic little costume you think looks cute on your dog but actually makes it look likt the poxiest living creature on this earth. ahh drives me mad that's my rage for the day. believe it or not this is the only things I have to get mad at anymore. until next time mwah xxx