Monday 16 May 2016

16 weeks

oh my golly gosh. this week was extremely eventful.
lunedi i cant remebr what happened. it seems so long ago martedi idk either but if we skip to the weekend it"ll be great fun. okay so giovedi and venerdi I didn't go to school (thank the lord ). my class had a test on giovedi and they went to the thearter on venerdi and I wasn't invited jks I didn't do the test so I could go. but ill go to the thearter one day. so not much happened them days I just was lazy as usual. but venerdi night I went to my friends house and stayed there. he lives in como, and como seems to be closer to cantu then milan is so I didn't have to get up so early ;) because I don't like getting up so early anymore. we had to be in Cantu at 11am for a District 2041 Rotary Youth Conference. I was so excited I got to wear my blazer though it was a formal event so it was fun but it was extremely pathetic! we got all dressed up and then all we did was walk in show off our blazers and then walk out and busta. we were done and time to go home so the trip wasn't al that worth it but we have to do it again next weekend. ahhhhghhh save my life I could so better things. but I love wearing my blazer. we got back to milan by 2.30 and we all decided we would go out and grab dinner considering the day we had. but we ended in a high. Sunday was a terrible start and I say that because we were to be at Centrale at 7.45am meaning I had to WAKE UP AT 6.00am to get ready so I could go to Mantova. we were joined in mantova by the other milan district. it turned out to be a good day we all hung out had fun and mantova is a beaustiful citta. we looked in a couple museums and then we went and had lunch we went on a boat cruise down the lake its such a beautiful place. we didn't get a lot of free time so I couldn't get souvineers but I have the pictures and the memories and so that is good enough. ive been studying a lot trying to learn this language byt its extremely difficult. I don't think that my brain have the capacity because as I learn this language I feel like my English is falling out of my head because I am terrible at it.

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